Friday, May 12, 2006

Clear the Air: an excellent resource on Hong Kong Pollution

If you're looking for ONE website to provide you with a summary of Hong Kong's putrid air quality, check out

I particularly like the chart that shows Hong Kong's current pollution levels rated on the basis of the European Union's air quality standards. Roughly speaking, a reading of "50" according to Hong Kong's EPD standards seems to equate to around 100 in the EU's air quality standards. However, the reality is that it is a tough comparison to make, because each jurisdiction treats individual pollutants differently. Therefore it is most accurate to compare based on individual pollutants.

To view a side-by-side comparison, view this page at Greenpeace:

Thankfully, I've been in Singapore the last two weeks, where the air quality is much better (though levels of micro-particulates are still higher than ideal). Cheap flights (especially at and are making the commute between Hong Kong and Singapore easier and easier. For those looking for a temporary carcinogen break, perhaps consider the Singapore commute.

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