Just received my confirmation e-mail!
I'm really looking forward to the 2007 Hong Kong Standard Chartered Marathon.
However, it is very disappointing to see the Hong Kong Amateur Athletic association skirting around the serious issue of pollution. They provide you with historic weather information, but nothing on historic pollution levels (last year for example, pollution readings were extremely high and the number of runners taken to hospital was also at an all time high.
Amazing, considering that in Hong Kong we have warnings for "black storms" (heavy rain) and typhoons... but severe pollution is apparently not considered a serious enough issue that the organizers would contemplate cancelling the race.
You should take the pollution readings on that day seriously. Given that most days in Hong Kong are "high" pollution days (using the ratings of the Hong Kong government), it is very likely pollution readings on race day will also be in the "high" category. You can find current and historic pollution readings at the website of the ironically named Environment Protection Department.
I am not planning to run if the reading a few hours before start time is over 75 according to the Hong Kong Pollution Index. I know it's a totally arbitrary number I've chose - please let me know if you can suggest a better number.
[on top - picture of today's pollution from my office - can barely see windmill in Lama Island]